Thursday, July 7, 2011

Jesus H. Christ

Danny Griffin, serious medical badness:

So basically I had brain surgery last week to remove a cyst the size of a lemon from my posteria and deep in brain. Went home. Felt terrible. Been in incompressible pain. Back in hospital. Had another emergency operation satuday afternoon to release pressure on brain by placing tubes and valves down through my spine into stomach. Operation seems to have worked. Brain feels better, but very unsteady now and have to learn how to write and draw again. Seems to have effected motor function/balance. But can see much better (it was sending me temp blind) and hear like a fox! See those black shadows on facebook scans? Not supposed to be there. Have been drained. Now waiting for brain to migrate back out of spinal cavity. ...but at least the pain has diminished! Phew. But i have started hallucinating because they have my brain on steroids to keep me conscious so i dont slip away. My system doesn’t like the steroid. But they dont like me hallucinating and think i might get addicted to my painkillers, so they have taken my painkillers away. Even though they know the morphine has nothing to do with the hallucinations. So I have 3 huge holes through my skull. 3 reconstructed vertebrae in my neck which they had to cut open to try to assist my brain to migrate up out of my spine. I have rods deep in my brain to divert fluid out of my brain into a special valve grafted to my skull. From which a pipe runs down my neck spine, over my chest and down into various cavities in my abdomen. I am pumped up on steroids so I can't sleep. 3 surgical wounds on my head, from crown to lower neck and surgical wound across my stomach and I'll I am given for pain in 2 panadol! ...oh and now a urine track infection and bowel infection for good measure. I have had 2 complex and dangerous neurosurgical operations in 8 days and i have been in 3 different hospitals, discharged twice prematurely including once at 7 in the morning high on morphine into a construction site without next of kin notified, only to be found wandering the street by random doctors working at the hospital an hour later and family called to collect me. I Also spent 1 night in a storage cupboard because they ran out of beds 1 day post op, with no toilet nearby and the runs, hallucinating and seeing through walls because of a reaction to medication. So fed up with this hospital and a team of doctors who I have totally lost trust in I did a runner. I got up, went to the ground floor, outside and into a taxi heading straight toward The Prince of Wales Hospital and The Neurological Institute. Unfortunately there was a massive accident and they had 11 full ambulances and 0 beds. The TPOW doctors saw me and were disgusted with my doctors. They rang and abused them, and rote a letter advising them to take better care of me. …and now I am back, but getting proper treatment. Amazingly they “think there might be something else wrong” so we are doing some more tests. ….and the saga continues.

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