Saturday, July 4, 2009

Saturday, surely not?

Went and saw a movie yesterday afternoon. Blood: The last vampire. it is a film adapatation of an (admittedly) lackluster manga. And what can i say...? It sucked. The plot was paper thin. The blood, while making an attempt to fly around in manga-style excess just looked like jam. For some reason they demons just looked like the vampires from buffy. And finally; the story is about a good demon who kills bad demons with a sword. So, the main reason i thought it would be good was all the japanese sword-fighting scenes. But they did that shitty thing that all modern movies do now, which is to show you nothing at all. Just blinding you with lots of flashes and jump cuts all over the place. Blerk. Boring!

So i went home and i watched a DVD i had bought for 4 euro. Some other japanese half CGI half real action movie. I now know why it was so cheap. While it had some very nice steampunk CGI and the integration between the real action and the CGI was not too painful the story was painfully long and incomprehensible. It was some sort of comment about socialisim and the cultural revolution. And how war is bad.. mmkay? But that is my guess, the endless versions of Pachelbel's cannon while mud smeared asian men in armour with impossibly high cheekbones cradled immaculate gothic lolita heroins and whisper about the power of love was a bit stilted. To say the least.

In other news, my bake is finished. It was going to finish on Friday. I thought today was friday... but after some convincing by a coworker it turns out it is saturday. Hmm seem to have lost track of time somewhere there.

Anyway i managed to break a plug in the bakeout but it doesn't seem to have influenced the functionality. One of the readouts just doesn't work any more. I think i will live.

The mass spec says there is no oxygen. There is however, some hydrogen, a little nitrogen, some water, some hydorcarbons and a bit of argon. All in all this is an okay result. Maybe a bit more water than i would like. but further degassing of the elements might reduce the water content.
The pressure is 4.4x10^(-10) and there is probably another 20 hours or so before everything is cool. So we might crack the 10^(-11) barrier. Otherwise... poop, all this work for nothing.

Back in here again tomorrow to see how the pressure is. But now off home, a couple of beers and some TV.
What an exciting life!

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